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What is a Maine Registered Agent?

Maine Registered Agents

A Maine Registered Agent is a person or entity appointed by a business to accept service of process on their behalf. Every business entity in Maine, including corporations and LLCs, is required to appoint a Maine registered agent. Every registered agent is required to have and maintain a physical street location within the state and keep regular business hours. During this time they must be available to accept service of process and legal correspondence on behalf of the corporation or LLC.

Our registered agent office is in YORK, right off Highway One, where we accept our clients’ official business mail. Our expert staff immediately scans and uploads any legal mail or documents we receive directly into our clients’ accounts, and notifies them when those documents are ready for viewing.

Cost of Our Maine Registered Agent Service

From Portland to Aroostook you won’t find a better deal than Maine Registered Agent Service. We provide top-notch service for $49 every year. When you sign up for our Maine Registered Agent Service, you get:

  • Immediate Access to Your Secure Online Account
  • Same-Day Upload of Service of Process & Legal Documents
  • Same-Day Notification for All Legal Correspondence
  • Business Domain (free for a year)
  • Business Website, Email, SSL, and Phone Service (free for 90 days)
  • Complete Compliance Monitoring Year Round
  • Annual Report and Tax Reminders
  • Customized Registered Agent Service That Fits Your Business
  • Access to Our Maine Business Document Templates
  • No Hidden Fees

Maine Commercial Clerk vs Non-Commercial Registered Agent

You may have noticed that Maine registered agents are sometimes called “clerks.” In Maine, registered agents are either recognized as commercial clerks or non-commercial clerks. Knowing the difference is important because not every registered agent service in Maine is qualified and registered with the Secretary of State.

Non-commercial clerks are individuals or entities offering registered agent service, but being a registered agent isn’t the main thing they do. A mailing house or CPA might be able to fulfill the duties of being a registered agent, but that does not make them a commercial agent. Non-commercial clerks are not registered with the Secretary of State. Instead, they treat being a registered agent as a side gig, rather than the important job it is. You might save a buck or two by hiring a non-commercial agent, but it could end up costing you in the long run.

Commercial clerks like ourselves offer professional registered agent services and are registered with Maine Secretary of State. If you go to the Secretary of State’s website and look at their directory of commercial clerks registered with the state, you’ll find our office in YORK. Commercial agents comply with the duties outlined in Chapter 6-A of the Model Registered Agents Act, so you know you have a trusted agent who understands the ins and outs of business in Maine.

Think of it like this: You wouldn’t take a sailboat out to go lobster fishing, right? You’d get the right boat for the job. Same goes for clerks. If you’re serious about your business, go with a commercial clerk like us.

Reliable Maine Registered Agent Services

When you sign up with us, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of having the best registered agent service in all of Maine.

Maine business presence. We have everything you need to launch your business. Our services include your own business domain, website, email address, and phone number.

Instant access to a secure online account. After signing up for our Maine commercial registered agent service, you can immediately log into your secure client account. You can then access your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Helpful resources. Whether you want to register an out-of-state business or form a new Maine LLC or corporation, you’re in the right place. We have the forms you need ready to be downloaded. The forms are pre-populated with our Maine registered agent service information to make life a little easier.

Compliance tools. We include automated messages to remind our clients when it’s time to file their annual reports so you won’t miss an important deadline.

Local Maine Business Address

Reliable commercial clerks like us make sure we do things correctly. That means we have an actual address with a brick-and-mortar location, not some PO box we check twice a week. Our YORK office is staffed by professionals Monday through Friday. They spend every day accepting mail for our clients. They scan in each piece of mail and upload it to a secure portal where it can be immediately viewed.

Free Mail Scanning Service

We’re in the office five days a week during regular business hours accepting and scanning mail on behalf of our clients. When we receive a piece of mail, we immediately open it, scan it, and upload it to a secure portal. Once logged in, clients can view, download, or print the document as many times as they want. Every client gets five pieces of mail included with our registered agent service. After receiving the first five pieces of mail, clients will still be notified of new documents uploaded to their account. Those additional pieces of mail can be unlocked for $15 per document.

Upgrade Your Mail Forwarding Service

Our Free Mail Scanning Service includes 5 scans a year. Expect more than 5 pieces of mail? Clients can upgrade their mail services after they sign up so they can receive more mail and avoid paying per-item fees to unblock items in their account.

Privacy Included

Using a commercial clerk like us helps protect your privacy. By listing our business address rather than your own on formation documents, we will shield you from solicitors. So, if service of process is ever delivered, it won’t come through the front door of your business. It comes to us instead. Best of all, the flood of junk mail you’d normally get when you open a business is directed to our YORK office where we have a huge trashcan.

Benefits of Having a Maine Registered Agent

Maine Registered Agents is the best commercial clerk you can find in all of Maine. Why trust the ins and outs of your registered agent service to some giant national service from away? We’re local and we know all about our state and its business practices. We provide our clients with all the resources and privacy protection they need to start a solid, secure business in Maine.

Let Maine Registered Agent help you start your business off on the right foot.
Our registered agent services will give you peace of mind. Get started today.